Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I know I just posted yesturday, and I try to keep it at least a couple days before I post again but I just HAVE to say this. 

Today, I got a letter form the one and only Elder Johnny Wenzel :) I was so excited to open his letter! I could barely contain myself. I met Johnny at EFY 2 years ago I believe, and we have been so close ever since! His little sister is one of my bestest friends ever, so I guess you could say I'm pretty close with the fam! 

Anyways, he is serving in the Michigan Area and from his letter, he loves everything about it! 


Monday, August 30, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

goodbye summer

With school just around the corner, and only a few days left of summer. I gathered some of my close friends and we decided to jump into a lake. A freezing cold lake, I might add. We had a marshmellow roast, played some basketball, watched some movies, had lots of junkfood, and just had tons a fun :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

change is inevitable

I think the only reason people hold on to memories so tight is because memories are the only thing that don't change, when everybody else does.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Honestly–and I don't mean to brag–I have the best of friends. They always lead me on the right path, they tell me when I do something stupid and they are always there for me. They make life WAY easier when theres people you love right behind you. I have a group of girls that I love, and this is why I love them.

I know you've been through alot lately; even these past few hours have been tough for you, but I want you to know you are seriously one of the strongest girls I know. You are so beautiful; inside and out, and I never want to see you cry. I want you to know that you deserve the best, because you are the best. I thought High School would tear us apart, but we have become so much closer. I love you so much.

Haha, this girl. Who doesn't love her?! I'm so glad that I know you. I love how I can call you up anytime and you are always so happy to hear my voice, and I love hearing yours! I'm pretty sure you are the most gorgeous girl I know. Period. I love all the memories we have together. Basketball trips, blonde moments, and of course how we bathed in the river:) I'm so glad we are best friends. And I'm so glad your you. Don't ever change.

When I think of you. I smile sooo big. Everytime I see you, even if its been like not even a day. We always run to eachother and give eachother hugs. I love how we live right beside eachother, and how we randomly hang out. Oh, and by the way; you are so cute! I love everything about you! Oh, especially how you work at Lick n Nibble and how you give me free icecream! haha:) I love you so much girl.

I. Love. You. Your are my idol! For some strange reason, you make me want to be a rebel! I don't know if that's good or bad because you have to be an example to me. Hah, either way I love you. I love our choir trips together! and our.. lesbian moments I might add? Hope that doesn't sound to weird. Everytime I see you; we practically tackle eachother. Makes me smile everytime. I can't wait for you to be in high school!

Up. Down. Up. Down. That pretty much desribes our relationship since like grade 6! To be honest you; I am so jealous of you. I know jealously is bad and all, but seriously you are so good at everything you put your mind too and you are soo sooo sooooo pretty. Even though you never give yourself credit for it!
I'm so glad we have finally put our past behind us and we've become such good friends. I love how I can be my crazy self in front of you. You are an amazing friend. I'm so happy that we are UP right now and from now on always will be!

I don't think I have ever loved anyone as much as I have loved you. We've only known eachother for about 3 years but I feel like I have known you my entire life. I am so glad that my first year of EFY was spent with you. You made my EFY years. You have no idea how big of an example you are to me. Thank you so much for letting me come down to Utah and stay a week with you. It's another week with you I will never forget. I love you so much Josie. I can't wait to see you again.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

princess for a day

This past week I have had the opportunity of going to TWO surprise parties for two very special and close friends of mine. They both celebrated their 16th birthdays and of course, what a huge deal that is to a teenage girl!

Party #1 : Kendra Quinton. What a strong and pure young woman. I've had the privilage of being a part of this girls life. She's so beautiful iniside and out. I honestly couldn't ask for a better friend.

Did I mention we rode in a limo? 

Party #2 :  Marleya Johnson. Just saying her name gives me chills. I've known this girl for all of my life. I must say we have had our ups and downs just like any other relationship, but this girl means alot to me. She has always been there for me in the past and I know she always will be in the future. 

These girls arn't just princesses for a day; but for a lifetime.

 – Jord